Just in case anyone decides to use my opinions against me in any way, I formally and officially proclaim that this blog and its contents are works of fiction and exist only in the fictional reality created by the author of this blog. Any resemblance to to anyone living, dead, undead, unborn, or almost existing is purely coincidental and unfortunate. Any persons who make a connection between themselves and the fiction of this blog should let it go, as this is fiction The same goes for locations, which might be based on real locations, but for the sake of the disclaimer are entirely fictional. Any complaints about the content of this blog, particularly in regards to the statements I have made in the previous paragraphs about the contents fictionality, will be blatently disregarded due to the clarity of the above proclamation. My blog is listed as having adult content. This is because of my occasional use of strong language and the frequent discussion of concepts difficult for a weak mind to grasp. If there is ever a reader of this who would like to not follow rules, by all means contact the author with the complaints and/or negative comments. He would enjoy very much taking the time to discuss his love of negativity and stubbornness.
With that said, the author hopes he did not turn anyone away from reading the blog. He appreciates and respects his readers and hopes that they enjoy his fictional posts.