Here are some pictures of the notebooks I am making for the project. Until further notice they will be called the Traveling Tablets. I wanted something with alliteration. The name sounds a little lame, but I hope that the end project ends up great enough to over shadow the name.
I found these ring bound notebooks by myndology for pretty cheap during a sale at my school's bookstore. I got the bargain of eight notebooks for less than three dollars.

They are made with recycled paper, and the disks are made from a biodegradable material. I am glad that they are sustainable, but I would have bought them even if they weren't recycled.
The design on the front cover is interesting, with cut out arrows pointing in all different directions. The covers seem to also double as a pocket, though I don't think they would hold something safely.

On the inside cover, I have printed the instructions for the booklets:
"Congratulations! You were gifted this book. The purpose of this book is to become filled with life, the experiences of as many people as possible.
I found these ring bound notebooks by myndology for pretty cheap during a sale at my school's bookstore. I got the bargain of eight notebooks for less than three dollars.

They are made with recycled paper, and the disks are made from a biodegradable material. I am glad that they are sustainable, but I would have bought them even if they weren't recycled.
The design on the front cover is interesting, with cut out arrows pointing in all different directions. The covers seem to also double as a pocket, though I don't think they would hold something safely.

On the inside cover, I have printed the instructions for the booklets:
"Congratulations! You were gifted this book. The purpose of this book is to become filled with life, the experiences of as many people as possible.
So take as much time as you need, and fill up a page or two in this book. It can be anything, words, art, a photo, anything. Once you’re done, give it to someone else.
Once the book is filled up, and if you are the one to fill it, please mail it to the address on the inside of the back cover."
And on the back cover I have both the address to send them to, as well as the url of this blog for the finders of the tablets can post comments and things.
The first of the tablets is out, soon to be followed by the rest. The first generation of them is only five (I decided to hold onto a few of the notebooks). I hope that at the very least I get two back, even one. I imagine that many will be lost, kept, destroyed. But if even one survives, or even just a few pages of one, then I will have succeeded in my project.