I have been revisiting some creative outlets that I used to love. Painting with water color, drawing, other things like that. I used to paint all of the time in high school, and my freshman year at college. But I stopped. I felt embarrassed about painting, because I was in an environment were artists were art majors. Well anyway here is "Die Happy." A framed print I found a while ago dumped near my apartment became my canvas for this spur of the moment piece. Originally I had wanted to add something to the tacky image of a cottage on a lake. Maybe a giant octopus coming out of the water, or zombies. Something like that. It sat unused for three weeks until two nights ago. I was struck with a desire to make something fun, and this is the result. The title was inspired by the phrase "live hard and die young" and by switching one word it changes from a condescending remark into a goal. Isn't that what anyone would want? To be able to go out with a grin? Well, enjoy.
Love it!!!